Shoreline features. Intersection of strandlines and the pavement of lacustrine badlands, remnants of pluvial Lake Lahontan on the lower slopes of the Cocoon Mountains, Great Basin Desert, NV, USA
Rills. Colluvial ramps below the scarp of Cocoon Mountains, Great Basin Desert, NV, USA
Hiking through. Robert on the western slopes of the Cocoon Mountains, Great Basin Desert, NV, USA
Alkali marker. The summit map station, labeled 'Alkali', Cocoon Mountains, Great Basin Desert, NV, USA
Winding out. Canyon above Eightmile Flat, Cocoon Mountains, Great Basin Desert, NV, USA
Walking out. Robert on sandy lower slopes of the Cocoon Mountains, Great Basin Desert, NV, USA
Aeolian motion. Dunes of the Blow Sand Mountains from the summit of Cocoon Mountains, Great Basin Desert, NV, USA