Bonnie Claire Flat. Southern slopes of Gold Mountain, Mojave Desert, NV, USA
A Joshua. Westward from slopes of Gold Mountain, Mojave Desert, NV, USA
Snow remains. North slopes hold fading winter moisure, Mojave Desert, NV, USA
Alluvial island. An inselberg sits above the alluvial fans of Bonnie Claire Flat, Mojave Desert, NV, USA
Gold summit ridge. Pinyon woodland near the summit of Gold Mountain, Mojave Desert, NV, USA
Summit time. The brothers at the summit cairn of Gold Mountain, Mojave Desert, NV, USA
Bonnie Claire distance. Southeast toward Obsidian Butte, Mojave Desert, NV, USA
Gold Mountain. The summit rises above joshua tree canyons, Gold Mountain, Mojave Desert, NV, USA