Strand blowouts. Strand lines and silt plain at the base of the Pahsupp Mountains, Black Rock Desert, NV, USA
Subtle strands. Low, gravelly shoreline berms mark the Jessup highstand of pluvial Lake Lahontan on the western margin of the Pahsupp Mountains, NV, USA
Beveled pediment. The structure of the granitic pluton is revealed below the alluvial veneer of the western slope of Pahsupp Mountain, Black Rock Desert, NV, USA
Toward the summit. A game trail leads along a ridge to a western false summit outcrop, Pahsupp Mountains, Black Rock Desert, NV, USA
Runoff remnant. The ephemeral lake of the Black Rock Playa, Black Rock Desert, NV, USA
Fading gully. A narrow strip of riparian vegetation waits for spring in the reaches below Dry Mountain summit, Black Rock Desert, NV, USA
Dust of afternoon. Aeolian sediment poors into the basins below the Pahsupp Mountains, Black Rock Desert, NV, USA
Dry Mountain. A good walk in the Black Rock Desert of western Nevada, USA