Departing storm. Into the Beagle Channel at Ushuaia, Argentina
Andes end 2. Rising above the Beagle Channel, Argentina
Andes End 1. Guarded peaks from the Beagle Channel, Argentina
First dawn at sea. Sunrise on first morning beyond Beagle Channel, entering Southern Ocean on voyage to Antarctica
Eastward rise. First morning on the Drake Passage bound for South Shetland Islands and Antarctica
Skimming. Snow Albratross in the Drake Passage.
Headlong. Sooty Albatross in the Drake Passage.
Close by. Sooty Albatross in the Drake Passage.
One after. May be a Light-mantled Albatross ahead of a Sooty Albatross -- I am not experienced. Drake Passage.
Approaching islands. First sight of South Shetlands, Drake Passage, Antarctica.
Outcrops. South Shetland Islands, Antarctica.
Gentoo intro. First encounters with the locals, Yankee Harbor, South Shetlands, Antarctica.
No, you go. A discussion among Gentoo Penguins, Yankee Harbor, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
Gentoo greeting. A pair at home at Yankee Harbor on the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
Questioning. A Gentoo Penguin pauses on his way to the sea, Yankee Harbor, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
Gentoo crossing. Yankee Harbor, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
Rest time. Yankee Harbor, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
From below. A Gentoo Penguin explores our ship, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
Chinstrap nap. Half Moon Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
Closing the day. Half Moon Bay, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
Changes. Mountain horizon on South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
Sea Spirit. Our ship to the south, Half Moon Bay, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
Tipping points. Ice sheet fragments on the continent margin, Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica
Leaning in. Iceberg off the Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica
Chinstrap. Lone penguin on the rocks of the Antarctic Peninsula.
Company. Chinstrap Penguins watch from the islands of the Antarctic Peninsula.
Unconformity. Ice on the topography of rocks of the Antarctic Peninsula.
Ice on rock. Cliffs of the Antarctic Peninsula.
Sensuosity. Lost in the ice of the Antarctic Peninsula.
Taste the sea. Shapes of ice along the Antarctic Peninsula
Soft flight. Among the icebergs of the Antarctica Peninsula.
With the wind. A Chinstrap Penguin heads toward the water, Antarctica Peninsula.
Returning. Chinstrap Penguins preen after returning from the sea. Antarctic Peninsula
Attention. The sounds of the Chinstrap Penguin roost, on the rocks of the Antarctic Peninsula
Tipping point. Icicles betray the rotation of a wandering iceberg off the Antartic Peninusla.
Entry. An iceberg glows from within. Antarctic Peninsula.
From the sea. Mountains of Neko Harbor, Antarctic Peninsula
Falling light. Clouds and snow swirl in alcoves of Neko Harbor, Antarctic Peninsula
Ridge of unknown. A gift of clouds and light in Neko Harbor, Antartic Peninsula
Mirrored heights. Evening comes to Antartic Peninsula
Ice flower. The melting bloom of a waterworn iceberg, Antartica Peninsula
Early sky. Blue hour in the Antarctic Peninsula
Space. A solitary penguin rests in the early morning, Antarctic Peninsula
Austral moon. The moon appears in the mist of the Antarctica Peninsula.
Movement. Skua on patrol, Antarctic Pensinsula
Stopover. Traces of overnight stay on iceberg in Antarctic Peninsula
Meeting. A Gentoo Penguin heads to sea, Antarctic Peninsula
Overview. An excursion on the Antarctica mainland, Antarctic Peninsula
Adelie Penguin, Antarctic Peninsula
Guardian. A Blue-eyed Cormorant and chics, Antarctic Peninsula
Waiting turn. A Blue-eyed Cormorant rests before returning to sea, Antarctic Peninsula
The return. Leaving the mainland by zodiac, Antarctic Peninsula
Winds of change. Squalls building along the Antarctic Peninsula
Shielding. Good light along the coast of Antarctica
Pass light. Approach storm on a glacial front along the coast of Antarctica
Weddell Seal. A Weddell Seal breaks from his nap as we drift by. Antarctica.
Shag line. Blue-eyed Cormorants leaving a roost along the Antarctica coast.
Landing. The Sea Spirit awaits the landing crew during a shore excurion to the Antarctica coast.
Teamwork. Gentoo Penguins changing shifts on the next. Coastal Antarctica.
A return. Gentoo Penguin returning to the colony, Coastal Antarctica
Adrift. Coastal Antarctica
Unknown 1. A sentinel peak of coastal Antarctica.
Unknown 2. A sentinel peak of coastal Antarctica.
Skua rest. The shoreland predator waits for a chance; penguins must learn to defend quickly. Coastal Antarctica.
Unknown 3. A sentinel peak of coastal Antarctica.
Serrate. Ice flutes on a small berg of the Antartica coast.
Southern Fulmar. Following the Humpback Whales, Antarctic Peninsula
Signature. Humpback Whales of Antartic Peninsula
Family. Humpback Whales of the Antarctic Peninsula
Whale patrol. Zodiac from Sea Spirit searching for whales, Antarctic Peninsula
Slide. Traces of change in the snowpack of Antartic Peninsula
Jags. Patches of light beneath the clouds of the Antartic Peninsula
Angles. Coastal snowpack, Antarctic Peninsula
Tipping. An iceberg rotates as it melts in the coastal waters of Antarctic Peninsula
Distance. Antarctic Peninsula.
Two on a raft. Chinstrap Penguins find temporary safety, Antarctic Peninsula
Blockade. Icebergs cluster in a bay along the Antarctic Peninsula